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Caregiving Chronicles

Self-Care of the Mind

As caregivers, how do we care for our mind? Well, that is a good question.

Self-care of our mind involves rescuing and relaxing our mind from the ongoing physical and mental tasks of caregiving. It has nothing to do with spa treatments, shopping trips or lunches/dinners with yourself. It is about giving yourself space to find time with yourself, mentally. It is about separating your giving from your caring. It is consciously allowing yourself not to worry (because you trust God), not to care (because you have cast all your cares on Him), and not to be anxious (because the peace of God is guarding your mind). We must learn to respond to what God has called us to do without getting entangled with the emotions, and the feelings that bombard us daily as we deal with doctor appointments, bad medical reports, medical emergencies and the continued physical decline of our loved ones. We must take every negative thought into captivity and replace it with the truth of God’s word for ourselves and our loved ones. If we neglect to care for our own mental health we may find ourselves in need of care as well.

One thing I try to do daily is have a cup of coffee or tea before my day begins as my husband’s caregiver. I spend the time just mediating on one scripture. I turn off my cell phone, so I have no distractions just Me Time. At lunch time I may read the same scripture again and play some worship music to keep my mind focused on what is good and lovely and true and not what occurred since my day begun. Some days finding time to do this is difficult, but I internally steal away for 5-10 minutes someway sooner or later.

Send us your comments and things you do to care for your mind as a caregiver to help others. You never know who will read it and find comfort and another way to care for their mind.

Let's Chat,

Geneen Taylor

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