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MMP Board Members, Mary JacksoMary Jackson w/daugher,  Queenie Christian, Lonnie Miller
MMP Founders Mary Jackson Monique Tedder Veronica Pearcy
 MMP Las Vegas Mission Trip


My Mother’s Pearls was birthed in 2009 on the beach in Ft. Walton Fl. God gave the vision and mission to Mary Jackson our current CEO. Mary’s husband James, her two sisters, Veronica and Monique, and their daughters embraced the vision and hosted MMP's first Spiritual Encounter in May 2010 in the Blue Ridge Mountains of GA. Their mission was to create an atmosphere for the healing of relationships between mothers and daughters. During the encounter, God not only healed all the mothers and daughters who attended but also the volunteers who assisted with the retreat. In 2018 My Mother's Pearls, Inc was established as 501 (c) 3  to educate, train and support women and families in their pursuit to fulfill God's purpose for their lives. Those who volunteer with us and members of our board are active in their respective communities, volunteering at women’s shelter, leaders in their church community, as well as teachers and social workers in the public education system. As Pearls we are committed to teaching and to helping other women learn their value and develop their Pearl attitudes.

Today we continue to offer free life-skills, self-awareness, spiritual growth, and self-sufficiency training as well as mentoring for women in Florida and Georgia. We periodically host spiritual retreats and mission trips throughout America.  At My Mother’s Pearls, our motto is "Every woman is a rare and valuable pearl, deserving of love, respect, and the opportunity to shine".



Our mission is to empower women through the development of self-care practices and the cultivation of agape love. We believe that together we can create a community where women who have been marginalized, abused, and broken are valued and uplifted by providing support, stability, and encouragement as they work to better their lives and provide their families a future filled with hope and possibilities.

Our vision is to support women as they grow into their full potential, embracing the attributes of the Pearl—Power, Praise, Prayer, Exhortation of Jesus Christ, Anointing of the Holy Spirit, Righteous living, Love for God, Self, and Others, and Surrendering to God’s Will. ​We believe that through the Word of God and Biblical principles, we can foster a world where every woman recognizes her worth and lives a life of purpose, and fulfillment. 

© 2022 MyMother'sPearlsInc 

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9928 Eleral Drive Pensacola, Fl 32526

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